Alli Miller

Alli Miller (b. 1985, White Plains, NY; live-works in Brooklyn, NY) is an artist and designer who works primarily in inflatables, installation, performance, cartography, visual research and other forms of affect- and image-making. After receiving a BFA from Cooper Union, Alli was part of the last class to receive an MFA from USC Roski School of Art & Design in 2015. In both solo and collaborative formations, Alli has exhibited and performed works at The Hammer Museum, Charlie James Gallery, LACE, Commonwealth and Council, Honor Fraser (Los Angeles); Produce Model (Chicago); Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver; May Gallery (New Orleans); Beverly's, et al Projects (NYC); Southern Exposure (San Francisco); Yard Pedro (San Pedro, CA); internationally, at Spike Gallery (Berlin); as part of the Beverly's installation at the 2016 Material Art Fair (Mexico City), and the 2018 Art Basel Hong Kong film program. A serial collaborator, Alli has continued a line of practice with various artists and initiatives including the Bruce High Quality Foundation, BHQFU, Collective Dean, Trey Burns, Adult Contemporary, and Papas y Kakkas. She is co-founder of DADDY, a pseudo-"maker" firm engaged in a series of projects traversing psycho-sexual characteristics of consumer goods and rhetorics of branding. From 2014-18, she performed as a bespoke nail technician-life coach at Mutant Salon, an LA-centric beauty salon and roving platform for collaborative performance and community-building. Most recently, Alli worked with waste-pickers and other communities most affected by the presence of solid waste pollution in Manila Bay, Philippines in order to gather application materials to make the Great Pacific Garbage Patch become recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This project was funded with a cultural exchange grant provided by the Asian Cultural Council (New York), and additionally supported through participation in SOHO20 Gallery's 2016 Residency Lab.