On the dark side of the moonshot is Mencius Moldbug, whose "unqualified reservations" make Tlons marketing department work hard.
Describe what we will learn from surveys with this probe.
To answer to Francis Tseng , whose oft-cited essay, "Who Owns the Stars: The Trouble with Urbit", has compelled hot debate among Urbit evangelists and critics alike. Given that it was Facebook's political neutrality that led to the psychological profiling of million of users for the purposes of political advertising
, and not Mark Zuckerberg's op ed, that established the conditions for voter fraud during Trump's election, the function of Urbit as a political platform remains to be seen. (Ironically, it's Knuth, a practicing Lutheran who has also authored a book on theology, whose contributions to algorithmic analysis won him the Turing award and also provided the foundations for Facebook's foray into facial recognition and machine learning.)
http://code.fed.wiki/assets/pages/site-survey-factory/launch.html?probe=JournalForkSurvey HEIGHT 0
Describe how this probe works.
psuedonymous, decentralized and self-hosted system of peer-to-peer servers, encrypted against third-party meddling for life, I tGive me the woman who froze her eggs but missed the exit. Nick Srnicek's Platform Capitalism (Polity, 2016) addresses the cultural logic of the "on demand" economy, the "community" as in "official polity": AirBnB, Amazon's Mechanical Turk and Uber's refusal to die like Occupy Wall St., the reminder that data didn't belong to anyone but God. The Creator. Manifest dividuals. Between capital gains and dividends are the market-makers, switching the packets between capital > dividends on a macroeconomic scale. Like the devil, big data is banal. "The constraints that limit ordinary companies also protect them. That's the tradeoff. If you start a barbershop, you only have to compete with other local barbers. If you start a search engine you have to compete with the whole world." (Paul Graham). The decentralized autonomous organization installs a consensus model where competition used to be.
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