Forking as (Cultural) Feature

Klint Finley has written about Ward Cunningham's work on a federated wiki, linking ideas around Fedwiki to Github, whose strapline is "Build software better, together". html

Our enterprise at this happening seems to be (learning about) building more generalised knowledge than software though the software may be building in response to this and other Fedwiki happenings.

I guess that we are using the meaning of fork "to divide in branches, go separate ways" but I note that fork was also used to mean "forked instrument used by torturers," as forking is currently a bit of a torture for me - I am struggling to find out how it works on Fedwiki html .

In 2010, Anil Dash characterised forking as a cultural feature html .

Feminists know that acknowledging Women's Ways of Knowing leads to diversity of ideas but forking seems somehow different from a feminist approach. wikipedia

Constructed Knowing is one of those ways of knowing that allows women to integrate their different voices.