Growth Beyond Requirements

Estimated Percentage of Total Growth from Initial Requirements Until Retirement by Size and Type of Application

Table 60

From Overview of United States Software Industry Results Circa 2012

Version 8.1. July 27, 2012

Copyright © 2008-2012 by Capers Jones. All rights reserved.

As the antrhropocene advances I find myself thinking rather anatomically and physiologically about society. I have come to perceive neighborhoods as the basic units of society, it is akin to the cells in a human body. To my way of thinking neighborhoods are best thought of as including less than 7000 individuals who can voluntarily interact face-to-face in a shared place that they care about. In my anatomic version of society, individuals and households are more akin to the biochemistry.

This chart discovered both the dimensions and the limits from the rows of the single data plugin above.

Neighborhoods are either healthy or they are at risk. Their relationships with the encompassing municipalities (organs) are healthy or unhealthy. Most of our life giving process occur in our neighborhoods--if it is still capable and healthy. These include production of food, housing, safe drinking water, education; work; security. At smaller or larger scales the system is less resilient and less ecologically sound.

156.8 MIS 122.375 Web 111.3 Outsource 105.6 Embedded 141.5 Commercial 244 Government 270.45 Military

Discovered values were then edited by double-clicking the chart to remove one undesired dimension.