wildcard DNS

Federated wiki sites are dispatched on demand via my own cloud server, which I also use to deploy my Urbit ship.

Open a new browser window and type in your @p followed by this site's subdomain (@p.viki.wiki). Most four letter words work.

Internal and External links

The web became more collaborative with wiki's introduction of the Internal Link. Link names were drawn from a shared space backed up at the time by shared storage. Federated wiki's internal links preserves the shared space but not the shared storage making it the ideal link for the distributed collaborative web. See Collaborative Link.


To fork pages, drag and drop colored squares from one browser view to another: these will turn blue until you flag to claim as your own.

A journal records actions as a page travels through the federation.


The custom plugins in the grey box above list some of the possibilities for hosting hypermedia.

YOUTUBE m_tom65LKiE Brooke Shields Calvin Klein Commercials


To host video from YouTube or Vimeo, use "video" plugin and enter the player, followed by the code at the end of the video's URL


VIMEO 785483802 Renders using video plugin using codes below in the text field when you click "video"

VIMEO 785483802



The above tutorial video is hosted using assets plugin, then embedded using HTML5 video code.